Shipping Information

We package our orders carefully by hand every Monday. Each box is carefully lined with insulation to keep the integerity of the box from being crushed during shipment and temperatures stable in the box throughout shipment. We will also include heat or ice packs when neccessary, we check the temperatures of each location we are shipping too (it would be helpful if you include weekly forcast temperatures in notes,it would help us out).

The shrimp themselves are bagged in breathable air bags. This bag allows oxygen to circulate in and out of the bag, they'll never run out of air this way! We also add in hornswort or java moss so the shrimp have something to grasp on too. They are then wrapped in newspaper to keep them in the dark, this will make them less stressed (They tend to lose a bit of coloration during shipment which is normal! Their colors will come back a few days after being in the tank).

We recommend shipping through USPS since it is cheaper and arrives safely on time. Shrimps can actually last over 2 weeks in our packages. In fact we've had a case of the shipment being sent back from Hawaii (address was incorrect). The shrimp spent 3 weeks in the box and made it all back to us in healthy happy condition!

Shipping Rates:

Free Shipping for orders over $100+

$19.99 for USPS Priority Mail (recommended)

$54.99 for UPS 1-Day Shipping

Shipping times:

We ship on Mondays and Tuesdays. Orders that come in after Tuesday 10:00 AM will be shipped the next week! This insures that they will not get stuck in transit through the weekend.